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React Chess Tutorial



How about learning React JS by building a chess game in it? In this tutorial, you will implement all the Chess Rules and build the chess game. You will thoroughly understand the React JS concepts and learn how to organize the code. In less than 7 hours you will gain enough experience to comfortably work in React projects.

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  1. Preview 3:27

  1. 1 React Setup 3:43
  2. 2 Introduction to JSX 2:48
  3. 3 React Basics 09:52
  4. 4 React Components 8:07

  1. 1 React State - Click Counter 8:27
  2. 2 React State - Updating Arrays 6:48
  3. 3 React State - Updating Objects 11:07

  1. 1 Board Layout 6:36
  2. 2 Adding Chess Piece Images 3:37
  3. 3 Chess Square Component 10:52

  1. 1 Basic Chess Moves 17:03
  2. 2 Knight Moves 9:10

  1. 1 Javascript Prototypes 16:20
  2. 2 Chess Square Interactivity 9:22
  3. 3 Pawn Prototype 11:16
  4. 4 Chess Piece Object 3:29

  1. 1 Quick Recap 2:44
  2. 2 Pawn Movement 9:04
  3. 3 Bishop Movement 11:00
  4. 4 Rook, Queen & King Movement 9:01
  5. 5 Knight Movement 3:52
  6. 6 Pawn Capturing Movement 5:58

  1. 1 Check if King is in Check 17:38
  2. 2 EnPassant Move 19:51
  3. 3 EnPassant Move - Custom Hook 12:23
  4. 4 Castling Move 27:30
  5. 5 Pawn Promotion 25:40

  1. 1 Check for Checkmate 11:02
  2. 2 Captured Pieces List 11:58
  3. 3 Javascript Promises 9:24
  4. 4 Wrapping the Logic with Promises 20:32
  5. 5 Draw Rules 18:33
  6. 6 Recording The Moves 25:32

  1. 1 Restarting the Game 11:59
  2. 2 Different Colored Boards 19:25

  1. 1 Basic Game Logic 00:00